Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Hello and Welcome!

Here is a little overview of what this blog is going to include, if you haven't guessed already...

I've been having a crap day, as goes most days when you're an adult.  So what better way to momentarily pacify one's anger than to express it through crappy little comic strips!  On this blog I'm going to share the many everyday sucky things that happen to not only me but EVERYONE.  Cause lets face it, no one is THAT lucky.

Sometimes it's just necessary to laugh at other peoples' misfortunes, especially if you could relate and if they're displayed in random little doodles.  Plus I need an outlet to direct my rage screams at instead of the people around me.  As satisfying as that would be I would prefer not to die alone due to lack of friends.

SO without further ado, lets release the hounds on this first crap ass situation that my husband and I are experiencing -

*Drum roll please*

Free-loading loser friends.  And in our case, free-loading loser friend of a friend that has kinda become a friend but not good enough of a friend to be ok with his free-loading.  Not to mention not being able to say no because the friend or friend involved "would do the same for us if they were in our position" bullshit.

free loading friends adult problems j shari ewing

Dear free-loading loser "friends",

   You're adults.  You're OVER 30.  It isn't cute anymore, frankly it stopped being cute when you turned 12, ask your mom.

Loser friend #1 - You're a snowflake.  As in you're unique and all that crap but not unique enough to not have to start from the bottom and work your way up the shit totem pole like everyone else.  Lose your sense of entitlement.  Get your act together.  Don't quit a job before you have a second one lined up.

Loser friend #2 - You're a snowflake.  As in you're unique and all that crap but you still need to think about your future cause your snowflake ass is going to get old and melt like every other snowflake.  Stop couch surfing and bragging about it like it's the cool thing to do, it's not.  Don't quit a job before you have a second one lined up.  Please find a room to rent and move out.  Stop using Axe body wash, no one likes that shit.

Yours Truly,
60 Shades of Shit

P.S.- You're living with a married couple... we miss our spontaneous naked time and would like to enjoy ourselves before we have kids.  Get out.

Brutal?  Yea probably.  But like I said, better expressed here than in someone's face.
Please enjoy my pain and frustration!  Hope it helped to brighten up your day and feel free to share your experiences.  That way maybe I can feel like the world doesn't crap specifically on my head.

Til next time!

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